Blackouts Sometimes Become the Reason for Contacting an Alcohol Rehab Center in Wilmington DE

by | Feb 19, 2019 | Rehabilitation Center

One of the scarier moments for a person who has been drinking excessively over time is the first blackout. There may have been times in the past where the previous night seemed a little foggy in memory, but now, this man or woman faces the realization that there is no memory whatsoever of several hours. This may be the incident that finally convinces the person it’s time to seek treatment at an Alcohol Rehab Center in Wilmington DE.

Memory Formation Issues

The reason the person cannot remember what happened may seem even more disturbing. Research has found that the brain in this condition is actually unable to form new memories. A very intoxicated man or woman may go to a few bars, drive home, watch TV and go to bed without remembering any of this the next day. It’s an actual form of amnesia. When someone becomes scared enough about this, contacting a rehab center such as Pace starts to feel like a good idea.

During a blackout, the people around this person have no idea that memory formation has been shut down. Their friend or relative acts relatively normally, or as normally as someone who is very drunk behaves. The person carries on a conversation with no trouble and may even be a whiz at the bar’s trivia game on screen.

Problems With Drinking Responsibly

People who drink responsibly should not experience blackouts, but not everyone is able to control their drinking. They may decide ahead of time how much they will consume, but always wind up drinking a lot more. This happens because the person has become at least somewhat intoxicated. After drinking two glasses of wine, this person no longer cares what was decided earlier that day. Another glass of wine sounds like a fabulous idea.

Increasing Frequency

Blackouts tend to become more frequent once they start. Sometimes the person doesn’t seek help from an Alcohol Rehab Center in Wilmington DE until a serious consequence like a car accident or a severe injury during foolish behavior occurs. Sitting in jail or lying in a hospital bed hours later, this individual knows that time has come. Information on one particular center is shown at website.

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