Botox in South Elgin, IL: Common Myths About Botox

by | Sep 12, 2014 | Dental Services

Botox has been one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for human esthetic enhancement for well over a decade. Despite its sustained popularity, many urban legends, misconceptions and myths regarding its use still abound. If you are interested in Botox in South Elgin IL, then you need to learn the true facts about Botox treatments so you can separate the truth from the rumors.

Botox treatments are painful – This one is not true. Botox injections are made with ultra-fine needles that insert small amounts of liquid. Many people who have undergone the treatment describe the injections as having the sensation of a very mild mosquito bite. The treatments provide minimal discomfort at worst. Also, any redness of the injected areas should disappear only a few hours after receiving the injections.

Botox causes loss of facial expressions – People describe this as the “frozen” face and, again, it’s simply untrue if the treatment is done properly. Botox treatments are supposed to result in a natural and age-appropriate look. The treatment is made so that it relaxes the muscles at the injection points to reduce wrinkles and creasing. The only problems with facial expressions occur when too much Botox is injected, and that should never happen with an ethical doctor who refuses to inject too much Botox into someone that’s trying to look unnaturally young.

Botox is a poisonous bacterium – Many people believe that cosmetic Botox treatments consist of injecting a bacterium – botulism – into your body. This is untrue. The active ingredient in Botox is a purified protein, not a bacterium. Cosmetic Botox has been available for over 20 years, and is one of the most researched and tested medications over that time. In fact, cosmetic Botox (called BTX-A) was not designed to eliminate wrinkles. It was first used to treat a number of non-cosmetic medical conditions, including excessive sweating, twitching of the eyelids and muscle spasms. The fact that it reduced wrinkles was discovered during treatments for these other conditions, and that’s how Botox came to be used for cosmetic reasons.

One final myth about Botox is that the treatments should only be done by specialists like plastic surgeons and dermatologists. The fact is, dentists know more about the face and its musculature through study and practice than any other medical professional. Business Name is one such dental practice that provides Botox in South Elgin IL.

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