
Cleaning Your Pet’s Teeth at an Animal Hospital

As you might know, animals need healthy teeth to survive in the wilderness. Our pets don’t have to fight for their survival, but their teeth are just as important. This is why you might want to schedule a dental cleaning for your cat or dog at the local animal...

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Veterinary Ethics: A Few Things to Keep in Mind

The regulation of veterinary conduct is dependent on jurisdiction. The American Medical Veterinary Association (AMVA) offer guidelines to ethical practice of veterinarian physicians and technicians. The Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics as provided for by the...

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The Importance of Pet Grooming

Your dog's looking a little shaggy these days. It's been a while since you dragged him in, yelping, to the dog groomer. His next haircut can wait for a while . . . or can it? Pet grooming is a necessity to keep pets healthy and happy. While many pet owners view...

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