Chicago Ankle Care Can Help With Common Problems

by | Feb 19, 2015 | Healthcare

If you have ankle pain in Chicago, you want the best care possible. This includes understanding common problems, such as sprains, swelling and fractures. However, there can be many other reasons for pain and it is important to assess the problem quickly to reduce the risk of having even more problems occur. Many times, people neglect their ankles and feet, thinking that the pain will go away or not wanting to know what is wrong. However, caring for your ankles and the rest of your body is important.

Ankles can become sprained when a ligament (or tissue) is torn or stretched. In many cases, causes of a sprain include twisting, falling or being hit. These sprains are very common, with symptoms that include bruising, swelling and pain. In many cases, patients can feel the tear during injury and know something is wrong.

A strain is when a tendon or muscle is torn or stretched. In many cases, pulling or twisting can cause the strain and this happens to many who are new to exercise or don’t know how to exercise properly. They can happen suddenly, but many times happen over time due to stretching of the muscles. The most common types of strains include back and hamstrings, though ankles can also become strained easily.

Treatments include rest, ice, wearing a compress and medicine. Physical therapy and exercise may also be prescribed.


A fracture is considered a break in the bone. In some cases, the bone may break and puncture the skin, which is called a compound fracture. These are typical for people who have fallen, play sports or are in car accidents. In some cases, osteoporosis and low-bone density can also cause fractures. Stress fractures are also common and include very small cracks within the bone.

Symptoms include misshapen joints and limbs, swelling, bleeding, bruising, severe pain, numbness and limited mobility. Many times, treatment options include wearing a splint or cast and sometimes surgery is necessary.


People living in Chicago may find that arthritis may cause ankle problems and it is important to care about your ankles and feet properly to reduce the pains that come with arthritis. Typical symptoms can include swelling, burning, stiffness, weakness and the feeling of tingling in the ankle.

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