Child Support Attorneys in Mankato, MN. and Changes to Shared Custody

by | Feb 18, 2020 | Child Custody

Child support attorneys in Mankato, MN. may be needed if the custody arrangement will be changed some years after it was documented with the court. Parents may have originally decided on sharing physical custody as much as possible even though they don’t live in the same area. This tends to be easier when children are very young and becomes increasingly difficult as the kids get older.

Issues in Shared Custody

The parents must face the reality that even if they are committed to shared custody, this will eventually become a problem if they don’t live anywhere near each other. Forcing children to spend every weekend and most of summer vacation in a home they don’t normally live in becomes a matter of protest as the kids get older. They want to be at home with their friends, going about their routines in a familiar environment.

Child Support Issues

If the two parents have been sharing custody relatively equally, neither may have been paying support. That will likely change if one person plans to have primary physical custody and the other to have liberal visitation when this can be managed.

Child support attorneys in Mankato, MN. follow guidelines set by the state regarding the amount of money noncustodial parents must pay. Parents can petition for a modification that deviates from the guidelines if they have a valid reason. A judge is more likely to approve the modification if both agree and one is not challenging the other. Anyone needing legal representation in these matters may contact Blatz Law Office Ltd.

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