Commercial Insurance Agents in Austin TX Provide Invaluable Protection For Business

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Insurance

Modern businesses more than ever require a variety of insurance coverages in today’s complex, multi-layered business and legal world. Beyond the essentials of coverage for workman’s compensation issues, a business’ assets have to be protected from various possible causes of loss or damage. Theft of all kinds, from physical to electronic, results in losses amounting to millions of dollars annually from the private sector. Companies which operate fleets of vehicles have a host of coverage issues ranging from theft or sabotage, to collision, to personal injury both to company employees and innocent third-parties. And the specific insurance issues for each of these operators depends upon the types of vehicles operated by a given company, their purpose, whether they carry passengers or freight, driving range, and in the case of freight-hauling the coverage for secondary loss or theft of cargo. There is also the matter of insurance coverage of the property itself from losses due to fire or natural disaster.

No business owner today dares go without adequate insurance to cover every eventuality with respect to the operation of his or her business. Commercial Insurance Agents in Austin TX stand ready to offer a variety of plans tailored to any business environment and company budget. They have all the actuarial data at hand to craft a coverage portfolio that can protect any business from losses due to general liability, workman’s compensation, theft, sabotage, or physical damage or destruction of property.

Since 1988, the Perdue Insurance Group has served both individual and corporate customers in Austin and Kyle TX and helped clients of all kinds with their particular insurance needs. With nearly thirty years experience in such a wide ranging field of coverage situations, it is certain that a plan can be crafted to perfectly suit the needs of any business. From a small mom-and-pop business or corner bar to the local manufacturing plant or trucking fleet operation, a series of coverage plans can be selected or can be folded into a single integrated plan with flexible management of costs. These and other planning methods are the means by which the professional and experienced Commercial Insurance Agents in Austin TX help provide invaluable protection for any business in the metro area. Call today and begin the process of having a business insurance plan crafted just for you.

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