Common Diesel Fuel Problems

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Business

Diesel is the most preferred fuel for industrial and transportation vehicles. This is because, diesel engines last for a long time as compared to spark-ignition engines. Diesel fuel is not as refined as gasoline and lacks the refinery and flammability additization found in gasoline.

Diesel fuel has faces some common challenges which can be overcome by diesel fuel solutions in Minnesota. Some of the common problems include;

Water build up – Water can accumulate in diesel storage tanks as the fuel is stored for longer compared to gasoline. Condensation due to the change in temperature leads to the accumulation of water. Water can lead to the following situations in the stored fuel;

  • Injector blow outs if the water gets sucked into the injector
  • Oxidization degradation
  • Microbial growth

Control the water as much as possible. Diesel fuel solutions in Minnesota

Fuel economy – Diesel users encounter diesel challenges when fuel mileage goes up. To overcome this problem, keep your vehicles diesel tank free of deposits and clean. This would involve removing and cleaning accumulated deposits of dirt from the valves, combustion chamber and injectors. Gradual work is needed to restore the engine to its working condition.

Lubricity and cold air – Lubricity refers to how well the diesel flows while cold air is how the fuel behaves during cold weather. The sulfur in diesel fuel ensures that the two properties are well balanced in the fuel. The level of sulfur in the fuel has been reduced due to its effect on the environment but even with low sulfur levels, the fuel is still functional.

Better Diesel offers diesel fuel solutions in Minnesota as it solves all the above problems for you. Our solutions can increase the combustion of diesel, reduce overall fuel consumption and improve diesel particulate filters.

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