Common Uses for Hookup Wire

by | Sep 29, 2014 | Business

In the technologically advanced world of today, many people rely heavily on electronic devices every day for a variety of different tasks. Many people who use electronics on a daily basis never really think about what it takes to keep their devices running. One of the most important factors in a good running electronic device is great wiring. Without strong and well ran wiring, the electronic device will have many different problems from the beginning. The most common type of wiring used in low voltage electronics is Hookup Wire. The following are a few different uses for hookup wire.

Control Panels

One of the most common places that you will find hookup wiring is in control panels for low voltage machines. Many companies use low voltage machines due to their energy efficiency and their ease of use. The hookup wires are used in these types of electronics because they are durable and easy to run in the small control panel boxes. Most security system professionals will use hookup wires in the security systems that they install in a home because it is the best option to use when installing a low voltage panel.


Another common place that you will find hookup wires is in laptop and desktop computers. The hookup wire is used all throughout the computer to wire up the circuits used in computing. The small size and durability of the hookup wires is perfectly suited for all of the twists and turns that have to be made when wiring up a motherboard on a computer. Standard wire is not nearly as flexible as the hookup wire, which is why you seldom see this type of wire used in computers.

Aircraft Electronics

Yet another common place that you will hookup wires is in the electronic devices used in aircrafts around the world. Most of the electronic devices that are put in an aircraft are used to help the pilot navigate and stay safe during their voyage. This means that the wire used in these electronics has to be resilient and high quality because if not these vital electronics will not function properly and that can cause serious problems. Many electricians who work on aircraft will only use hookup wire on the jobs that they do because it has been used for used for many years with much success in a variety of different situations.

If you are in need of quality hookup wire, then be sure to contact the team at Summit Aerospace Supply, Inc.



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