Compelling Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Newark, NJ

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When you get hurt or sick through no fault of your own, you may have the right to pursue legal recourse. However, you may need guidance on filing a case and getting compensation. You can hire a representative like a personal injury lawyer in Newark, NJ to assist you.

Swift Action

The state you live in may require you to take legal action within a certain timeframe. You cannot risk waiting too long to file a case. When you hire an attorney to represent you, you can file your case within that deadline and avoid forfeiting your right to legal action.


Your attorney can also determine how much compensation to pursue in a judgment. Your state might place a specific value on your pain and suffering. Your lawyer can find out what that value is and decide how much money to request the court award you in damages.


You may find it helpful to retain a lawyer to help you settle the case out of court. The person you file the case against may want to keep it out of court and offer you a settlement. Your attorney can negotiate a fair sum and ensure the legality of the transaction.

You can find out more about what a personal injury lawyer in Newark, NJ can do for you as an accident victim. You can set up a consultation by reaching out to Maduabum Law Firm LLC at

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