Consider Choosing Cremation as a Way to Save on Final Expenses

by | Mar 8, 2024 | Cremation Service

Everyone is trying to save money these days. Given the financial stress that many families are under, it only makes sense that every part of life would be more costly than many can afford. This includes final expenses such as burial—something many people are taking a fresh look at now that money is more of a concern.

Choose Cremation

One of the easiest ways to save money on your loved one’s final expenses is by choosing cremation. This involves a process that reduces a person’s body to something often referred to as ashes, although many people refer to these as “cremains.”.

Cremation is a popular choice for several reasons, but the most prominent is the fact that it costs significantly less than a traditional burial. With no embalming, no casket, and many other costly elements of a traditional burial forgone, cremation often costs less than 20% of the price of a regular funeral and burial in the United States.

Of course, you can still hold a funeral or memorial service for your loved one. This can be done before or after the cremation and can still be personalized to your family’s liking. Be sure to discuss this with your clergyman, funeral home, or other provider to iron out the details.

Opt for Basic Cremation Services

If you are looking for affordable cremation in Southfield, your best bet is to choose direct cremation. This process is cremation stripped down to its simplest iteration. Your loved one’s body will still be carefully prepared for cremation, and the process of cremation itself is included in the cost. From there, the cremated remains are placed into a simple container and returned to the family.

Many people prefer this method of cremation because it allows them to customize the rest of the process themselves. Whether you choose to scatter remains, keep them, or inter them, what you do after they leave the crematorium is up to your family.

Saving money on your loved one’s final expenses can seem impossible, given the high cost of funeral services in America today. Thankfully, cremation can make it possible for your family to afford a poignant and respectful sendoff for your loved one, even if finances are tight. For more information, talk to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery today.

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