If you are disabled from an accident whether at work or somewhere else, then you need to discuss your situation with Attorney Todd R. Renda who is a disability attorney. If you have been denied social security benefits or any benefits, then you should visit a disability attorney. The attorney will explore every legal remedy for obtaining benefits or compensation.
Many people do not believe that they have any options for obtaining financial assistance. They could be wrong, and many are wrong. The social security system often denies a claim and then approves it when an attorney gets involved. This is just the way the process works; just because you are denied benefits doesn’t mean that you are not entitled to them. This is what the legal process has proven over and over again. The Disability lawyers in Puyallup are knowledgeable about the legal process and they have proven this many times. Todd R. Renda, Attorney At Law in Puyallup is a disability attorney.
The best way to go about consulting an attorney is to gather all of the pertinent data that relates to your disability. This would include a doctor’s statements, police reports, x-rays, photographs of the site where the injury occurred and a medical prognosis of your condition. Any statements by witnesses would be valuable.
Prepare a detailed description of how the injury has impacted your life. Don’t leave anything out because these statements will have a powerful impact on the outcome of your case. It is difficult to set and worry about the normal needs of life when you have no money, however, the legal system can releive your mind of the future problems. This is far better than setting around and doing nothing. Often, when an attorney is involved action begins in earnest at the Social Security Administration and at any insurance company. The average person has no impact on these organizations when they chose to not cooperate. However, an injured and disabled person should never talk directly with an insurance company, or social security when they have been turned down for compensation or benefits. Let the Disability lawyers in Puyallup handle all discussions.
The attorney knows the law including case law and the latest regulations. This makes the attorney a powerful advocate for you because no one can tell an attorney something about the laws that is not true.