Consumer Guide to Auto Insurance in Austin TX

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Auto Insurance

Drivers in Texas are required to purchase a minimum level of automobile insurance before obtaining or renewing their driver’s license. The minimum required amount of Auto Insurance in Austin TX is called a 30/60/25 liability coverage. This means the policy covers $30,000 for each injured person up to a total of $60,000 for the accident. The policy would also cover $25,000 of property damage per accident. However, due to the high costs of medical care and vehicle prices, this minimum coverage may not be sufficient to protect yourself financially in the event of an accident. Additionally, liability-only policies only cover the other car. If you are the at-fault driver, a liability policy will not pay for your vehicle at all. Many Texas drivers choose to protect themselves financially and purchase additional auto insurance products.

Protect Your Vehicle

A collision policy will cover your vehicle in the event that you, or another driver on your policy, cause the accident. Comprehensive coverage will cover your vehicle for damages occurring other than in an accident, such as weather damage, theft, or vandalism. Even though the State of Texas does not require these policies, most banks require collision and comprehensive coverage on vehicles in order to obtain an auto loan.

Protect Yourself and the People you Love

Major medical and funeral costs from an accident with a death or major injury add a financial burden to drivers without medical coverage. Many insurance products can help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with major automobile accidents. Medical Payments insurance covers funeral and medical expenses up to the policy limit. Personal Injury Protection coverage is similar to medical expense coverage, however, it will also provide 80% of your lost income during the time the covered person is unable to work.

Protect Yourself from Other Drivers

Even though Texas does have minimum insurance requirements, it is possible to be in an accident where the damages exceed that minimum policy amount. The at-fault driver could be from another state and not have sufficient insurance, could be driving illegally without insurance, or there could be a hit and run situation. Based on these situations you would want to consider an uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. These types of policies will cover your medical and property bills that exceed the liability policy of the at-fault driver.

Contact Patrick Court for any questions about purchasing Auto Insurance in Austin TX.

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