Contact Our DUI Defense Attorneys After a DUI Arrest

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Top Content Center Articles

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, drugs or any combination of the two is punishable in Illinois by up to 364 days in jail and a fine not to exceed $2,500 plus court costs for a first DUI conviction. A person who is convicted of the offense will have his or her driver’s license revoked by the Secretary of State. That revocation can last indefinitely. Both prosecutors and judges take the offense seriously. As DUI attorneys who defend clients in these cases, we also take DUI arrests seriously.


There are a wide variety of defenses to a DUI charge, most of which can be raised in pretrial motions. Some of the more commonly raised defenses follow:

  • The Stop: There was no reasonable basis for a traffic stop.
  • Field Sobriety Tests: These tests might not have been administered correctly.
  • Breath Testing: Police station breath testing may have been improperly administered, or the testing device was not properly certified or calibrated.
  • Increasing Blood Alcohol Level: The driver was below the legal limit when operating a motor vehicle, and it increased by the time that the breath test was administered.

Court Supervision

If there is a strong likelihood that you would be found guilty in a DUI trial, and you had never been arrested for DUI in the past, our DUI attorneys might recommend a plea of guilty in return for court supervision. No conviction would result from an order of supervision if you comply with all terms and conditions of it. You would be able to continue to drive, and your license would not be revoked.

If you were arrested for DUI in Cook County, DuPage County or Lake County, contact Driver Defense Team offices right away for a free consultation and case review with our DUI attorneys by calling (312) 940-8330 or by texting us at (312) 313-3222. We want to keep you on the road without a DUI conviction.

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