Coolant Return System in Ohio that Saves Money from EdjeTech Services

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Separators

A coolant filtration system is necessary to maintain metalworking fluid and to remove harmful contaminants from the workplace. Coolant filtration system is low maintenance and will remove free oil solids from machine coolant.

Coolant Return System

A critical part of coolant filtration is the need to have a coolant return system. This system regularly pumps out chemicals and waste that is not needed. The system periodically provides clean coolant and recharges the overall filtration system to handle more workshop processes.

Increase Your Productivity

Most of coolant return systems require half-year or yearly maintenance to pump out nasty byproducts of production. Instead of counting on the workforce to thoroughly clean out the dangerous coolant, this coolant system will ensure the recharging of sumps with clean coolant.


Shop owners have shown us the results of implementing a return system into their production. Production shop owners are typically paying back in the cost of the return system within 3 to 9 months. You should begin to implement and invest in coolant recovery and return machines. They are affordable, with automatic efficiency, they do the job better than anyone.

Easy to Use

The coolant return system is not a product that requires a rocket scientist to use. The system comes with a convenient instructional manual that spells out every aspect of machine operation so that you can get this machine working immediately. There is no need to wait on a workforce specialist to gather groups of workers to implement a coolant cleaning plan every six months to a year.

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