Could Your Roof Use a Repair?

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Home Improvement

A quality residential roof will last for a number of years. Along the way, the roof may need some minor repairs. If you think that something’s not quite right, it pays to call in the Long Island roofers and see what can be done. Here are three situations that definitely call for the expertise that a roofing expert offers.

Some Shingles are Missing

Recent storms have damaged or dislodged a few shingles. Since there’s the potential for more storms over the next few weeks, now is the time to take action. Call a roofing professional and arrange for someone to inspect the roof. It won’t take long to determine if there is any additional damage that must be addressed along with replacing the shingles. In the best-case scenario, a few new shingles will take care of everything.

The Rafters are Damp

While in the attic, you notice that the rafters are damp. That indicates some type of leak. You can bet that Long Island roofers know how to locate leaks that may be occurring around a damaged shingle, in a valley or around flashing that is no longer secure. Once the origin of the dampness is identified, it won’t take long to repair the roof and ensure the attic is dry once again.

You Notice Mold in the Attic

Dampness is not the only thing going on in the attic. There’s mold along the rafters, and it’s beginning to spread to some of the belongings stored in the space. Before things can get any worse, the roof needs to be repaired. Once that’s done, you can arrange to have something done about the mold.

Whatever issue you are having with your residential roof, professional Long Island roofers will have a solution. Call today and arrange for an inspection. The repair may be a lot simpler and more affordable than you expected.

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