Custom Caskets: Should You Get One For Your Loved One’s Funeral?

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Cremation

Custom caskets can really add a special touch when honoring your loved one’s life. Personalizing their casket is a way to show them how much they mean to you and how much you care about them. You can get custom caskets created from your local funeral home and the options are unlimited when it comes to what you can have printed in them. Many people choose special photos while others choose flags or other images on the casket’s interior. No matter what you choose, be sure to get the custom caskets from a company you can trust.

A special touch during the ceremony

Depending on the personality of the loved one who passed away, custom caskets can have more than just an image. In fact, there is an unlimited amount of options to suit the preferences of the family. If you are considering custom caskets, keep in mind that this adds a very unique touch, especially during an open casket ceremony or wake.


One of the reasons many people don’t get custom caskets done is because they worry that this service won’t be affordable for them. However, the truth is that there are many different funeral homes that provide this service affordably. Custom caskets are truly beautiful and so unique, which makes the funeral service much more memorable.

Contact your local funeral home for more information about getting custom caskets made especially for your dearly departed.

When it comes to selecting custom caskets, look no further than Cascade Memorial.  You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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