Damaged Teeth Can Be Covered With Crowns in Keizer OR

by | May 18, 2017 | Dentist

When damage begins occurring to a tooth, this can end up causing the health of the tooth to degrade. Damaged teeth are not as strong as they should be so they cannot withstand the massive pressure that occurs during chewing. The dentist will often cover teeth that have been damaged. Those who have damaged or unsightly teeth can improve their smile appearance and prevent further damage with Crowns in Keizer OR.

The first appointment for a crown will involve several steps. The dentist will first need to carefully shape and prepare the tooth so it is ready for crown placement. The dentist will also make impressions that will be used to create the patient’s permanent crown. The dental lab will be responsible for making the crown and ensuring that it will fit precisely and will offer the right shape and coloration for the patient’s surrounding teeth.

Before a patient’s permanent crown is made, a temporary crown will be placed. Temporary crowns are typically made of plastic or stainless steel and are only meant to be worn for a short amount of time because they are not as strong as permanent crowns which are made of all metal, porcelain infused metal, zirconia, or full ceramic. Temporary crowns should not be worn for longer than six months.
The dentist will ensure the permanent crown offers a precise fit before it is permanently cemented in place. This is vital for ensuring the new crown will not compromise the bite or cause any discomfort. Sometimes, the dentist will temporarily cement the crown in place and allow the patient to wear it for a couple of weeks to make sure no issues arise before it is permanently put in place.

Generally speaking, a crown will last for five to ten years but some have been known to last longer. It is imperative a person sees their dentist on a regular basis for the maintenance of Crowns in Keizer OR. With proper maintenance, a crown can last for many years. If you would like further information on crowns or other dental procedures, Browse Our Website. With a crown, your smile can be made stronger and more beautiful.

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