Dental Implants in Tuscaloosa Are a Great Way to Replace Missing Teeth

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Dental Services

There are many reasons a person might be missing teeth. Sometimes diseases lead to tooth decay and loss of teeth. Other times, an accident may injure teeth or knock them out completely. Whatever the reason, having missing teeth can be embarrassing and reduce people’s self-confidence. Luckily, there are several procedures dentists can use to replace a patient’s missing teeth. Dental Implants in Tuscaloosa are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth.

Traditionally, people who were missing teeth either received dentures or dental bridges. Dental bridges are most commonly used to replace just one missing tooth. To do so, there must be a tooth on either side of the gap. These two intact teeth are used as the anchors for the bridge and have crowns attached. They are then used to hold a false tooth in place between them. Dentures are used to replace multiple missing teeth, but they can be loose and uncomfortable for people to wear. Dental Implants in Tuscaloosa can be used to replace one or many missing teeth. They do not effect the surrounding teeth and appear completely natural. There is no discomfort, and, as they are surgically attached, it is impossible for them not to fit properly.

Implants are surgically placed under a patient’s gum line. After they have time to heal, the implants serve as a base and allow for replacement teeth to be easily attached. Replacement teeth can be permanent or removable. They look just like the original teeth, so other people usually can’t tell that they are fake. They make speaking and eating easy and natural, unlike dentures. Implants are more diverse and useful than either bridges or dentures because they can be used for one or multiple teeth. They offer better results that appear more authentic than other methods.

Dentists like Rhodes and Rhodes Family Dentistry can help improve your smile with dental implants. Implants are a great option for replacing one or more missing teeth in patients. You can visit the website to learn more about how implants can benefit you. If you are ready to gain back your confidence and fix your smile, consider dental implants today!

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