Do I Qualify for Family Medical Leave?

by | Jul 27, 2017 | Attorney

As a state employee, you are entitled to medical leave across a range of circumstances. This is not limited strictly to medical emergencies. If you’re unsure whether or not your case qualifies, a family medical leave attorney in Glendale Heights can help you to be certain. Family medical leave includes a number of scenarios, as follows:

Maternity Leave

For female state employees, the law dictates the allowance of twenty work days, or four weeks, of paid maternity leave following pre-certification of pregnancy within the first five months. A spouse will receive fifteen days, or three weeks. Private businesses may have their own policy in place. Adoption will also qualify state employees for three weeks leave. A family medical leave attorney in Glendale Heights may be able to help determine eligibility if you feel you have been unfairly denied maternity leave.

Family Concerns

State employees are allowed a full year of leave if they need to take care of an immediate family member with major medical needs. This leave is often used as an opportunity to arrange a funeral, manage estate affairs, and so on. It can also be used to seek professional help for a family member or care for a newborn baby. Parental and family leave are also available for children suffering from major illness for ten days, or two business weeks.

Organ Donors

If you are scheduled to donate an organ, you’ll be allowed thirty days of leave. This includes bone marrow, blood, and blood platelets as well.

The above applies to state employees. This means DMV workers, filing clerks in government offices and so on. This does not include contractors enlisted by the state. If you feel you’ve been unfairly denied leave by a business in Glendale Heights, a family medical leave attorney may be able to help you seek compensation. Personal responsibility can spring up when you least expect it, and that’s what medical leave is for.

The Law Office of Michael T. Smith is devoted to helping employees who feel that they have been dealt an injustice by their employer. With over thirty years of experience, the office specializes in family medical leave and workers’ rights.

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