Do You Need a Custom Hydraulic Cylinder or a Standard Cylinder?

by | Jan 2, 2020 | Machinery Tools

Choosing the right hydraulic cylinder presents a number of questions, but the most important question to ask yourself is whether you will choose a custom hydraulic cylinder or a standard hydraulic cylinder. A standard cylinder can be purchased out of a catalog, online or from stores specializing in such equipment. Custom designs offer a greater degree of flexibility, but determining which one is best for you ultimately comes down to figuring type of cylinder best suits your needs.

Are You Designing a Machine from Scratch?

One of the situations that do best with a standard hydraulic cylinder involve building a machine from scratch. In these situations, you are able to design the machine to fit the specifications of the standard hydraulic cylinder that you have purchased.

When is a Custom Hydraulic Cylinder Appropriate?

While purchasing a cylinder off the shelf can be appropriate, there are many instances in which you may prefer to go with a custom cylinder. You will be able to manipulate the length and diameter of any component in order to fit the machine you are trying to build or repair. You may also need a custom hydraulic cylinder if you are trying to build or repair a machine that must work under extreme conditions, temperatures or environments.

What Makes a Custom Cylinder Distinct?

If you are looking at a hydraulic cylinder and are uncertain whether or not it is a custom or standard cylinder, there are a few signs to look for in order to tell that the device is a custom cylinder. Custom cylinders may have unusual mounting styles, irregular port locations, and longer than normal strokes or bores. The use of unusual materials is another sign of a custom cylinder.

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