Do you Need an Attorney for Family Law Issues?

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Law, Lawyer

Even the most stable families in Cincinnati sometimes need legal assistance and one type of lawyer that is often used when it comes to family issues is a family law attorney. Cincinnati is home to several great family law attorneys and these attorneys offer a wide array of services for their clients. Some of the services that may be offered by a family law attorney in Cincinnati area include divorce, custody, parental visitation, spousal support, child support and the division of property. If you are having any type of problems when it comes to divorce, dissolution or some type of child custody issues surrounding these actions, you may want to get in contact with a family law attorney.

Divorce is a Common Legal Event

One of the most common things that a family law attorney will deal with is divorce. No one ever thinks that divorce is going to be an easy process, but a family law attorney can make it as easy as possible. This is one issue that will affect all family members and a good lawyer will be able to alleviate the strain. Specifically, a family law attorney will be able to help with things like custody, visitation, division of debt, possession or sale of the marital home, division of assets and many other difficult situations.

Custody is Also a Focus of a Family Law Attorney

Along with divorce, custody can also come into play. This is where things can get tough since young children may be involved. There are a number of situations that can play out when it comes to custody from soles custody with no rights for visitation to equal custody between both parents. If the couple cannot make a decision on this by themselves, a judge will make the custody decision and you will need to have a lawyer on your side in order to help you through this difficult time.

These are just two things that a family law attorney will be able to do for you, but both of these things are highly important. You won’t want to go into this type of legal situation on your own. If you feel as if you may be heading into a divorce, contact a local Cincinnati family law attorney as soon as possible.

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