Do You Need the Services of a Discrimination Lawyer in Northampton, MA?

by | Aug 31, 2017 | Lawyer

In the state of Massachusetts, the law keeps employers from practicing discrimination based on certain attributes, such as religion or race. The federal antidiscrimination legislation applies to employers who have 15+ employees, except in the cases of age discrimination, equal pay, or citizenship status.

If an employer has 20+ employees on his or her payroll, he or she is prohibited from discriminating against an employee based on age. Equal pay for women and men applies to all employers, regardless of the number of employees. In the case if citizenship discrimination, employers with four or more employees must follow the precedents established against illegal discrimination.

Have Your Rights Been Violated?

If you feel your rights have been violated in the workplace, you need to speak to a discrimination lawyer in Northampton, MA about the mandates set for workplace discrimination. The state law states that a company with 6+ employees must abide by the antidiscrimination laws set for Massachusetts.

Due to these types of legal distinctions, it is important to discuss your workplace concerns with a highly knowledgeable discrimination lawyer. In Massachusetts, state law specifically prohibits discriminatory practices that are based on person’s race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and mental or physical disability. Click here for more info.

Seeking Legal Relief

You may also need to talk to a discrimination lawyer if you feel you were discriminated against because of a former arrest record, or if you were overlooked for a promotion based on your marital status. People may also seek for legal relief if they feel the discrimination they experienced was based on their service in the military.

Needless to say, you need to discuss any discrimination matters with legal professionals who are well-versed in antidiscrimination law. Do not try to handle this type of situation yourself. Seek solace and guidance through legal counsel. You can learn more about this type of law by contacting a firm like Connor Morneau & Olin LLP. Act now, not later, to seek the justice you deserve in the workplace.

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