Edmonton Cosmetic Dentistry: Top Most Common Foods for Staining Teeth

by | Dec 7, 2018 | Dentist

Even if you go to the dentist on a regular basis, whether it’s for general cleaning or Edmonton cosmetic dentistry instead, there are still going to be foods that stain your teeth in between visits. If you are looking for the foods to avoid to prevent that staining between visits, read on for a few you might want to avoid.


Though it is extremely popular and becoming more popular every day, coffee is the worst drink for staining your teeth. Studies show black coffee stains your teeth more than coffee that has at least a little bit of milk in it. Even though you are brushing your teeth before you leave the house, that coffee you’re picking up on the way to work is staining your teeth all day long.


Many people switch from coffee to tea, hoping it will stain their teeth less between their Edmonton cosmetic dentistry treatments. Alas, tea stains teeth as well. Tea is full of tannins, which means drinking it stains your teeth as well. The darker the tea is you drink, the more it leaves stains on your teeth so drinking lighter tea might help a little bit at least.


As healthy as they are for you and as good as they taste, blueberries stain your teeth horribly. The same thing that makes them a super-food also stains your teeth. You don’t have to banish them from your life entirely, however. Instead, when you eat a few blueberries, swish some water around in your mouth to stop the juices from settling on your teeth.

For more information on Edmonton cosmetic dentistry and foods to avoid for fewer stains on your teeth, contact the offices of Floss and Gloss Dental for an appointment.

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