Examples of Common Area Maintenance in Baltimore

by | Sep 30, 2014 | Repair and Service

If you rent a building in Baltimore with more than one business, you will likely have at least one common area that will require maintenance at some point. Types of common areas include corridors, lobbies, stairways, laundry rooms, parking lots, elevators, roofs, store rooms and driveways. Many times, these areas get a lot of traffic, even more so than the areas that pertain only to your business, and it is important to have them properly maintained. Because it is a shared space, one business isn’t required to pay the entire amount and the costs are divided evenly between the businesses. This means it would be a good idea to have a contractor that specializes in common area maintenance in Baltimore.

General Repairs

General repairs include everything that could go wrong in the common areas, which can include leaks, broken railings and anything else. Look for a company that offers 24/7 response, emergency services, the best and most technological equipment available, professional service, on-time staff and customized packages to meet your specific building needs.


Electrical problems can be very dangerous, no matter what type of Baltimore business you run. Therefore, getting someone out to take care of the problem is important. However, if you share the building with other businesses, you will likely want a contractor that deals with CAM (common area maintenance), so that everyone who rents the building can have a say in the matter. They can help lower energy costs, reduce the risk of system failure, prevent damage and preserve the productivity of all the businesses inside.

Snow Removal

Snow removal is important so that customers can easily get to any of the businesses within the building. Setting up a contract with a CAM contractor quickly is the best way to receive removal services whenever they are needed. This makes it safer for employees and customers to get inside the building as parking lots and sidewalks are cleared as soon as possible.


While some buildings offer separate restrooms for each business, many times, there is a common restroom shared by the building. Drains and can become clogged or broken and there could be problems with the sewer lines, so it is important to have an appropriate contractor. Other options include water, gas and sewer line replacement, storm drain repair and maintenance and more.

They should also be able to help with AC problems, heating, ventilation and other problems.

Common area maintenance in Baltimore should be done by a professional company such as Team CAM Services.

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