Exploring Dental Offers: The Advantages of Visiting a Cosmetic Dentist in Short Hills

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Dental Services

Cosmetic dentists in Short Hills NJ provide a range of transformative services that can improve the appearance and function of your teeth. From repairing damaged teeth to enhancing their aesthetic appeal, these skilled professionals work wonders for their patients.

One of the ways that cosmetic dentists can help is by repairing damaged teeth with crowns. Crowns are custom-made dental appliances that fit over the top of a damaged tooth. They are typically made from porcelain, resin, or metal and can restore the function and appearance of a damaged tooth. If a crown ever chips or cracks, a dentist can touch it up with an identical resin.

Another way that cosmetic dentists in short hills NJ can enhance your smile is by replacing missing teeth with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants are placed beneath the gumline within the jawbone and act like a root. Bridges and dentures can be fabricated with permanent or removable synthetic teeth and can replace multiple missing teeth.

In addition to these procedures, cosmetic dentists also have other skills to offer. For example, if your smile needs a minor touch-up, gum reshaping or dental bonding may be an option. Gum reshaping can fix a gummy smile by reshaping a crowded gumline until it no longer dominates the surrounding teeth. Dental bonding can fix a misshapen or chipped tooth.

If you’re looking for a skilled cosmetic dentist in Short Hills NJ, consider contacting Glamorous Smile Dental Spa at their website to learn about the transformative services they offer.

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