Facts About The Various Types of Valves That The Kitz Corporation Makes

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Industrial Supplier

When it comes to valves, they are one of the great tools in life that nobody ever thinks about. However, they are in constant use in our lives. From water faucets to gas ovens to water heaters, valves really are everywhere. Here are some facts about the various types of Kitz valves that you may come across.

Gate Valves

These valves are manufactured in the broadest variety of sizes and materials. They can be used for a vast array of purposes and are designed to be functional under many different types of temperatures and pressures.

Globe Valves

These valves are named so because of their globular shape. They are generally ranked over gate valves because they can open and close more quickly than their counterparts. By changing their discs, you can alter the characteristics of their flow.

Check Valves

When most people think about valves, these are the types they envision. They are specially designed to prevent the backflow of liquids by allowing the liquid to flow in only one direction.

Ball Valves

When produced by Kitz Valves, they provide the largest variety of applications. Just as with gate valves, they can be found in many different sizes and materials. Because of the simplicity of their design, they are known for their dependable operating system.

Butterfly Valves

The best thing about these types of valves is that their simple makeup allows for easy arrangement of surrounding pipes.

As you can see, Kitz valves are among the best that can be found in the industry.

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