Faith-Based Preschool in Rockville, MD Encourages Parent Involvement

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Education

The best way to ensure that a child continues to be successful is to make sure that his or her early childhood is enriched with play-based learning activities. Parents should also be actively engaged in their children’s early learning development.

An Enhanced and Fulfilling Community Experience

That is why the choice for a preschool in Rockville, MD must be carefully made and endorsed. Certain faith-based programs enable parents to collaborate and participate in both congregational and school activities. By taking this approach, both adults and children create a community experience that is enhanced and fulfilling.

A Way to Make Faith-Based Learning More Affordable

Congregations such as B’nai Tzedek make the preschool experience warm and welcoming. In fact, parents of preschool children are invited to engage in synagogue activities in exchange for a 50% reduction in their children’s core day tuition. That way, Jewish or faith-based education is made more affordable and participatory.

A Warm and Interesting Environment

So, if you are seeking a preschool for your child, your involvement is imperative for a play and learning experience that is encouraging and positive. When children first walk into their school, they need to feel that it is a home away from home. Teachers should create an environment that is as warm as it is interesting.

Creating a Better Start in Life

Happily, a faith-based preschool makes it possible for parents to establish a firm spiritual grounding for their children. When young children are presented with this type of educational and play opportunity, they not only grow in their faith but they develop at a faster rate from a learning standpoint.

Play Groups: Introducing Your Child to Faith-Based Education

To introduce children to this type of learning community, play groups may be held weekly for free. Play groups permit children to explore age-appropriate toys and participate in toddler-friendly activities. Generally, this type of introduction to preschool allows parents and children to become acquainted with a school’s staff and a school’s surroundings.

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