Fighting Domestic Violence Charges with Criminal Lawyers In Los Angeles CA

by | Mar 28, 2022 | Lawyers and Law Firms

In Los Angeles CA, domestic violence encompasses a variety of offenses associated with family and/or household members. The criminal offenses could lead to a divorce case if the victim is married to the aggressor. Criminal lawyers in Los Angeles CA help defendants fight against a conviction and the further impact on the defendant’s life.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence in Los Angeles CA?

According to Los Angeles CA laws, domestic violence includes child abuse, physical assault of a family member or spouse, rape, and/or stalking. The individuals accused of the crime could include parents, former spouses, and romantic partners. Even if the victim went out with the defendant once, any of these crimes could constitute domestic violence.

Is Emergency Relief Available to Victims?

Yes. In extreme cases, the victim is relocated to an undisclosed location until the trial. Protection orders are available to victims after the first arrest. The court orders prevent the aggressor from gaining access to the victim. Any contact is a violation of the court order, and the defendant will be arrested. The defendant receives additional criminal charges for each violation.

What Is the Punishment for the Offense?

A domestic violence charge could equate to eighteen months in prison. Aggravated domestic violence encompasses more serious offenses such as rape and stalking. Further offenses could increase the prison sentence based on the victim’s injuries.

Could the Victim Receive an Extension of the Protection Order?

If the defendant tried to kill the victim, the judge could provide an extension of the protection order. The same rules apply to the new protection order, and the defendant must follow it exactly. The victim could be relocated through an abuse-related program permanently. The program also protects children who were victims of domestic violence.

In Los Angeles CA, domestic violence is a heinous crime that could lead to post-traumatic distress syndrome for victims. It can also destroy families and make it difficult for some parents to receive custody of their children. Defendants who are facing criminal charges can contact criminal lawyers in Los Angeles CA through Karagozian & Rudolph, PC and schedule an appointment right now.

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