Filing An Application For Social Security Disability Benefits

by | Feb 19, 2015 | Law

Social Security makes it reasonably easy to file an application for disability benefits; it is possible to apply online although not all applicants can use this method including disabled widows or widowers, disabled adult children and disabled divorced spouse. Any and all applicants can request an appointment by phone or visit their local Social Security office.

You need supporting information:

Receiving Social Security disability is not a given, regardless of whether you decide to file the initial application yourself or you hire a Social Security attorney in San Diego to assist you, there is the need to gather substantial information to support the claim. You need to specify when you believe the disabling event took place, your last date of work prior to becoming disabled and the dates that you worked after you believe the disability started.

Medical information:

It is very important that all the information of any doctors, hospitals, clinics etc be included. The information needed is the names, addresses and contact details as well as the dates you first saw the medical provider and the date you last saw them. If you have been given any psychological or medical tests you have to detail what they were and who ordered them to take place; to support the application it is a good idea to provide copies of these reports. The Social Security administration also will demand a complete list of any and all medications that you have taken since the date of you believe you suffered your disability along with the names of the medical professionals that were responsible for prescribing them.

Non-medical information:

You must provide documented information about your employment. You have to give the administration a copy of your prior years W-2 if you were employed or copies of Schedules C and SE if you were self employed at the time. You will be asked to detail the last five jobs you had, the details required include the dates that you worked and the duties you undertook.

Once you have gathered all this information your Social Security attorney in San Diego can ensure that the application for disability benefits is completed completely and in full accordance with what is expected by the administration.

If you are lacking some information this is acceptable, go ahead and lodge the application and provide the missing information as soon as you gather it. This is important because the day you first make you application is considered to be the filing date, you have a full six months to complete the application if need be.


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