Being a college student is a very exciting time, but it can also be a very challenging one. It may be the first time you have ever lived away from home. You are discovering more about who you are as a person and all that comes with being an adult. If you are away from your home church and need some encouragement in your spiritual walk, then our campus ministry in Asheville, NC, is here for you.
Receive Guidance and Encouragement
As a college student, it can sometimes be difficult to find time to go to church regularly. Between all the classwork and studying that needs to be done, let alone any extracurricular activities, and staying caught up on sleep, time fills up quickly. This is why we have a campus ministry in Asheville, NC – to help students stay strong in their walk with God and offer guidance for any challenges they may be facing. Our ministry will help you stay strong in your values and strengthen your relationship with Christ.
Be Part of a Community Everybody needs a place to belong, and it is so important to have a support network with people who can encourage you in your spiritual life. This is especially true for any young college students who are experiencing living on their own for the first time. With our campus ministry in Asheville, NC, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people who can be your friends and mentors.