First Visit Expectations When Seeing A Dentist In Chicago

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Dental

Most people have neglected their teeth over the years, for whatever reason. You may have found yourself without dental insurance or were too scared about the outcome. You may also have been scared about visiting a new dentist in Chicago and worry that he or she will berate you for missing so many appointments. No matter what your reasoning, it is definitely time to see to your oral hygiene and it may be easier to know what you should expect from your first visit.


While you may not have thought about goals, dentists have specific goals when you come in for your checkup. Their main goal is to determine how healthy your mouth is and how they can get your mouth healthier. The first step is to clean the teeth professionally, which will include removing plaque. Many times, this can be painful or uncomfortable if you haven’t had it done in awhile, though they will be sensitive to your needs. The exam will come after the cleaning and will include checking for tooth decay and other problems. Typically, x-rays are also included to find wisdom teeth, tumors or cavities that can’t be seen with the naked eye.


Typically, the cleaning is done by the dental hygienist and then the Chicago dentist comes in to do the exam. Once the exam is complete, they will talk to you about what they saw in the x-rays and exam.

If you happen to have cavities, he will tell you what he wants to do to fix the problem, which will include follow-up appointments. This is the time where you’ll likely have questions, so make sure you ask them and fully understand the answers given to you.

Even More Assistance

Many dentists provide a polishing treatment after the cleaning to help remove surface stains from your teeth. You can also ask about any cosmetic treatments available that can help your teeth look better and make you feel better about yourself. If there are any problems, such as chipped or damaged teeth, this will likely be talked about anyway during the discussion. However, if it hasn’t been addressed, you can always ask. This way, your teeth will look and feel their best and you can have a healthier mouth.

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