Five Reasons Why Oil Changes Are Important

by | Jul 11, 2023 | Automotive

If you intend your car to function optimally, you must institute a standard maintenance regime. One of the more important components of this proactive approach is regular oil changes. They are essential to the overall well-being of your vehicle.

Five Reasons

 Oil changes are important to car owners living in Davenport IA and across America. The reasons for caring about this practice include:

  1. Lubrication. All moving parts produce heat. The lubricating effect of oil reduces the heat and resulting friction, therefore, reducing the potential for serious and immediate wear and tear.
  2. Engine Performance: Oil is required to ensure the engine functions properly on its own and in its interactions with other components.
  3. Cleansing: Unless replaced within a specific period, the oil will break down and becomes sludge. This prevents it from removing dirt particles and other contaminants that impact engine performance.
  4. Gas Mileage: If the engine is poorly lubricated or the oil degrades, the engine will increase its fuel consumption as compensation.
  5. Longevity: Lubricating your engine and its components protects your engine from heat and friction, therefore decreasing instances of wear and tear.

Oil Changes Are Critical

Very few things in car maintenance are as critical as an oil change. Over time, the oil breaks down and becomes contaminated. Neglecting to change it can result in severe damage to different car components, significantly, your car engine. This results in expensive repairs. Changing your oil according to the manual is a proactive way to avoid such serious consequences.

Click here for more information about Oil Changes Services in Davenport IA

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