Foods That Could Increase Your Need For Oral Care From a Dentist

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Dental

When you decide to cut back on the foods that you eat, it’s typically because you are trying to lose weight or manage a health issue. However, your teeth can also be heavily affected by the meals that you eat. Brushing and flossing are appropriate steps to improve your oral health, but switching up your snacks is also. Here are foods that are harmful to your teeth and could increase the need for dental care.

Chewy Candy

Of all the other goodies you should abandon, chewy candy is the most important to give up. It gets attached on and in between your teeth and can be very difficult to remove. This stickiness keeps it on teeth longer and gives it more time to hurt your enamel. A dentist in Lakeview often suggests that you rinse your mouth with water and then brush thirty minutes later after eating chewy candy.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks have a separate way to work against your smile. Because they seem like a healthier choice in comparison to sodas, you may drink a lot more than you should. The reason this can be a poor choice is the high sugar content. This drink will mean that a dentist in Lakeview will have to work against the dissolution of your enamel and increased tooth decay.

A suitable replacement for these foods would be sugar-free chewing gum that protects the teeth and lessens bad breath. For more ideas, contact Family Dental Care now.

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