Foreclosure in Cottage Grove MN: Know Your Reinstatement Rights

by | Sep 26, 2014 | Law

Many homeowners start having fears of a foreclosure after they miss a few mortgage payments. Unfortunately, not many people really understand the options that they have when it comes to averting an imminent foreclosure. In case you are having fears about the state of your mortgage payments, you should contact the lender before you are issued with a notice of default. This will help determine whether it is possible to reinstate your mortgage and avoid losing the home. Here are some things you should know about Foreclosure Cottage Grove MN. Browse website for more information.

Reinstatement rights
The law gives every homeowner the right to restore a loan after the mortgage lender has started the process of repossessing a home. However, a reinstatement can only work if you have the money needed to bring the mortgage payments up to speed and pay any additional fines and charges that could have been accumulated.

Length of a reinstatement period
The grace period before the reinstatement occurs varies from state to state. In some states, the period can extend to as long as the day before the actual Foreclosure Cottage Grove MN. In other states, the grace period will be up to five days before the day of the action. There are also places where the court will determine the reinstatement period. Consulting with an experienced foreclosure attorney is the best way to ensure that you understand the amount of time you have to reinstate your mortgage.

The amount of money due
Reinstatements cost a lot of money. This is because besides having to pay back all the payments you have missed, you will also need to cover costs such as legal fees and any charges that you could have attracted by defaulting payments. Before you start the reinstatement process, you need to make sure that you understand the full amount of money you will have to pay.

It is possible to raise funds and reverse a foreclosure process. Lenders such as the HUD offer loans of up to $50,000 to help people who are having issues with their mortgages. In case you are facing a Foreclosure Cottage Grove MN, you should consult a lawyer and attempt to turn things around. Lamey Law Firm Cottage Grove MN can give you all the counsel you need to reinstate your mortgage.

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