Forming A Policy for Water Cooler Etiquette

by | May 17, 2017 | Office Products

Preferring your employees and visitors to drink water because it is healthier than soda and coffee is a great target for any organization, but providing a location where individuals may stand around talking all day long is not good for the environment. Do you need an internal policy after installing a water cooler for your office in Greenville SC?

Understanding How Water Keeps People Hydrated

Very few of your employees will drink the recommended amount of water required during a day working within your office facilities. Some will drink far less, and others prefer soda drinks or tea or coffee. To boost the revitalization of your employees and visitors, drinking water before you become dehydrated, or dry in the mouth, is essential, but how to cope with the queue at the water cooler for your office in Greenville SC?

While some individuals take too long at the water cooler while gossiping, flirting and occasionally discussing work, it can be awkward for other individuals to wait close by for their turn. You should never be shy about moving into position and filling your cup full of water.

Leaving the water cooler empty after completing your cup of fresh chilled water is virtually a crime in many office locations. Where you are the last person to use the water, it is your responsibility to either exchange the bottle for the water cooler for your office in Greenville SC, when you’ve been trained and are able, or immediately contact the person that is designated to complete this task.

There are some unwritten policies around the use of your watercooler. If you’re filling up your own bottle and spill water, it’s not just a safety and health issue, but common sense to clean up the mess.

Once you’ve completed filling your container with water, move away so others can take your place.

Gossiping is not suitable around the water cooler because others will hear you and some will pass on mixed messages that will probably be entirely incorrect by the time they reach the intended individual. Employ a water policy, so everyone understands the rules.

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