Four Benefits of Installing Residential Solar Panels in Texas

by | Feb 3, 2022 | Solar Power

The only truly sustainable, reliable source of power for humans at the moment is the sun. The big, yellow ball comes out everyday and powers another ball called the earth. Harnessing that same power for your home with residential solar panels in Texas is a sound idea.

Lower Utility Bills

You know all that money you fork over every month to the electric company? Well, they do deserve it. However, if the sun is making your energy, then you get to pocket those payments. Eventually, the money you save on your monthly electric bill may be enough to completely cover the costs of installing your system.

Dependable Energy Source

Power outages are a fact of life. Whether a storm takes out a transformer or a drunk driver topples a pole, you are likely to face times when the lights don’t work. With residential solar panels in Texas, you’ve got a dependable source of energy that’ll keep your house running when the grid goes down.

Home Value Increase

Home buyers love a house that’s going to save them money, especially nowadays with the prices of homes at all-time highs. If you install solar and ever decide to sell, you’ll be able to post a list price higher than a house without solar, and you’ll likely have multiple offers. Because buyers know that solar means more money in their pockets.

Financial Incentives

Solar power is still in its infancy in the residential market, which is why there are many financial incentives offered by private and government organizations to entice homeowners to install a system. In some cases, you could get up to 50% off the cost of installation.

For more information on residential solar panels, contact E-Volve Energy today.

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