Four Mistakes Its Important to Avoid When Using Your Air Conditioner

by | Jul 16, 2019 | Air Conditioning

Having an air conditioner in Avondale that’s functioning effectively is important for staying comfortable throughout the summer months and beyond. There are things you can do in your home to maximize your air conditioner’s lifespan while also making your home’s interiors more comfortable. The following are four mistakes it’s important to avoid when you’re using your air conditioner:

Setting the Thermostat Too Low

Many homeowners get into the bad habit of setting their thermostat super low so that their air conditioner has to work harder than it should during the hottest parts of the year. Figure out a reasonable setting for your thermostat to stay at that will keep you comfortable without overworking your AC unit.

Leaving the Filter in Place Too Long

It’s important to periodically replace or clean your air filter. An old or excessively dirty air filter will restrict airflow and make it more difficult than it should be for your air conditioner to channel conditioned air throughout your home.

Not Complementing Your Air Conditioner with Fans

You shouldn’t stop using fans in your home just because you have an air conditioner available. Fans are helpful for complementing the functioning of an air conditioner and making it so that your interiors stay more comfortable while your AC unit works less hard.

Cooling Rooms That Aren’t Occupied

Prevent conditioned air from going into rooms that are not in use by simply closing the vents in rooms where you don’t need conditioned air. This will make it so that your air conditioner in Avondale functions much more efficiently and effectively. If you don’t occupy a room, make sure you’re not needlessly air conditioning it and running up your electricity bills. You can schedule service for your air conditioning needs with American Home Heating & Air Conditioning by visiting us.

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