Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Damage Restoration For Your Home

by | Jun 20, 2019 | Restoration

If you’ve had a fire in your house, the damage is often significant. Fire and smoke leaves behind odors, debris and damage to your home and personal belongings. To get your house back to normal after a fire, contact a company that specializes in Fire Damage Restoration in Pocatello, ID. Find out more about this valuable service by reading the frequently asked questions below.

Q.) What does a fire restoration crew do to clean up the damage from a house fire?

A.) The fire damage crew will first inspect the entire home to determine the amount of damage that’s present. Rooms that aren’t fire damaged will still have soot and smoke residue on the walls, floors and ceilings. After the initial inspection, the restoration crew will begin cleaning your home. It’s important to clean the soot off of all surfaces as soon as possible. After a few hours, the soot will damage surfaces and they’ll become discolored and stained. Metal materials can start to corrode within a few days if the soot isn’t cleaned off as quickly as possible. When the restoration crew has thoroughly cleaned your home, they’ll begin with the sanitizing and deodorizing process to get rid of the smoke odors.

Q,) Can the restoration crew repair structural damage that’s done to a house after a fire?

A.) An experienced fire restoration company will be able to repair the damage that was done to your home during the fire. This includes any construction that’s needed to get your home back to a livable condition. If the fire damaged the walls in your home, the fire damage crew will be able to replace the walls that were burnt by the fire.

Q.) Is it wise for a homeowner to do the fire cleanup instead of hiring a professional company?

A.) Protruding nails from burnt structures, weak floors and damaged walls that could fall are all dangerous situations that could cause injuries. Breathing in soot and ash can also damage a person’s lungs. Instead of taking the chance of becoming injured or sick during the cleanup process, contact a professional Fire Damage Restoration company to perform the job for you.

Henderson Restoration & Cleaning specializes in mold remediation, storm response, water removal and fire damage. This experienced company also offers residential and commercial roofing installation including flat, slate and tile roofs. Call to schedule a consult or to request a quote for any of their professional services.

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