Frequently Asked Questions to Help You Understand Smokeless Coal in Dublin

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Business

In 1990, the smoky coal ban was first enacted in Dublin. In 2019, the ban extended to more than 13 additional towns surrounding the city. Most cities and towns with populations greater than 10,000 people in Ireland fall under the smoky coal ban. One way that people are able to enjoy the benefits of coal while still complying with the ban is to enjoy the benefits of smokeless coal in Dublin.

Is Smokeless Coal Naturally Occurring?

Smokeless coal is actually made in a manufacturing plant. Typically, the smokeless variety of coal has a high percentage of anthracite, which contains carbon but does not produce thick smoke when burned. While smokeless coal does produce some smoke, its output is approximately 80% less than that of traditional coal.

Why Is Smokeless Coal Becoming Popular?

Smokeless coal is becoming more popular due to concerns about the environmental cost of traditional coal. Additionally, lawmakers are passing regulations such as the smoky coal act and forcing people to look for alternatives.

How Does Smokeless Coal Compare to Traditional Coal?

Due to the anthracite base, smokeless coal will actually burn for a longer time than traditional coal. The smokeless coal will also burn at a higher temperature. You can expect up to six hours of heat when using smokeless coal.

What Type of Stoves Can Use Smokeless Coal?

You can use smokeless coal for multi-fuel stoves. You can also use smokeless coal on open fires and in fireplaces.

Stafford Smokeless Fuel & Firewood offers smokeless coal in Dublin and can be contacted at .

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