Fuel Options for a Furnace in Branford

by | May 3, 2017 | Top Content Center Articles

Some companies provide only fuel oil for furnaces. That limits the choices for customers. A furnace in Branford can be operated with oil, natural gas, electricity, and propane. The ability to select different options allows customers the flexibility to alter fuel selections when it is time to replace the current furnace, or they choose to upgrade the heating system to a more efficient fuel type. It also makes a company more versatile when it comes to services, repairs and maintenance plans. The customers base can be extended to accommodate all makes and models of furnaces, boilers, radiant heat, and blowers.

Comparing the cost, efficiency, and environmental impact of each fuel option will help new homeowners decide what system to have placed in the home as it is being designed and constructed. Those living in existing homes can consult a fuel company that has experience and knowledge in several fuel products. Technicians will be able to assess the structure of the house, the heating needs, and the average cost of each fuel source. They can explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option and answer any questions owners may have. Recommendations, suggestions and free estimates for each choice can be left with owners so they can proceed to make an informed decision that meets their needs and preferences.

Budget plans and maintenance contracts are offered to help homeowners handle the heating expenses incurred during cold Connecticut winters. Regardless of what type of furnace in Branford is operating, planning ahead for costs, repairs, and routine maintenance will make managing expenses easier. An experienced company will offer more than one plan to suit the needs of customers in all income brackets. Some will have the resources and the desire to pay for a predetermined amount of gallons of fuel oil at the beginning of the season. Other customers may wish to be on a monthly budget plan to cover gas, electricity, or oil prices. Payments are spread out over the entire year, so costs fit easily into any budget. Customers can go to EastRiverEnergy.com for details on fuel options, services, and budget plans. The company has served customers since 1984 and had a fleet of over fifty vehicles to shorten wait times for service calls.

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