Fun Facts About the History and Development of Air Conditioning System Installation in Virginia Beach VA

by | Sep 27, 2016 | Air Conditioning

New homes today typically have central air conditioning system installation in Virginia Beach VA as a standard feature, as is the case in most other parts of the country. It can be hard to imagine that just a few generations ago, only the wealthiest homeowners had any type of air conditioning in their residences. Municipal residents closed their windows and shut out not only the hot air but also air pollution with its dusty breezes and unpleasant odors that were more prevalent due to lack of regulations. People living on farms had no relief from the stench of animal waste and fertilizer during the heat of the summertime.

In the first two-thirds of the 20th Century, people increasingly began buying and installing window air conditioners. Research indicates that cooling the air for better sleep was a primary attraction. During waking hours, people could deal with sitting in front of a fan or having a fan blow air over an ice block or big bowl of ice cubes. That wasn’t so effective when trying to sleep. Central Air Conditioning System Installation in Virginia Beach VA became noticeably more common by the 1970s and gradually turned into a must-have feature for most homeowners.

It’s interesting to note that air conditioning grew out of the technology of refrigeration intended to keep food from spoiling. Residential refrigeration devices quickly became viewed as essential, while central air conditioning took much longer to achieve that majority opinion. Another intriguing factor related to air conditioning technology is the population boom in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the United States, which most assuredly would never have happened without residential climate control for the long hot summers.

Central air equipment, as installed by a contractor such as R.A. Styron Heating & Air Conditioning, led to significant changes in home design as well. High ceilings were no longer necessary to draw heat up out of the general living area. The concept of cross ventilation was essentially lost since builders no longer needed to place windows to create breezes from one wall to another. Property owners who don’t yet have central air and are ready to have it installed may check out website for information.

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