Get a Winning Smile with a Cosmetic Dentist in Edmonton

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Dental

Having a winning smile affects you in so many ways. It helps build confidence when meeting people and in public speaking. A winning smile conveys trust in business, as well as in personal relationships. However, sometimes, life events can change our smile. Playing Canada’s favorite pastime of hockey can result in a high stick or puck injury that leaves you with missing teeth. Even daily habits like drinking coffee, tea and soda can stain your teeth. Not having proper long-term consistent care can cause problems that might result in feeling self-conscious about showing your teeth and many pictures are closed mouth as a result when they need not be. Finding a good cosmetic dentist in Edmonton can help you get your winning smile back and can help you conquer the world.

Cosmetic Dentistry = Winning Smiles

Cosmetic dentistry has helped so many people and it can help you. If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, you need not fear going. Professional dentists are trained in cosmetic procedures and can help you get over your fear and restore your smile. There are several procedures that can get the results you want.

  • Bridges and crowns
  • Dental implants
  • Invisalign – virtually clear braces
  • Fillings and veneers
  • Root canals

Look for cosmetic dentists in Edmonton who work as a team utilizing dental surgeons that incorporate the latest technology in giving you the smile you want.

Sedation Dentistry

It’s understandable to be afraid of the dentist if you haven’t been to one on a regular basis. If you need extensive dental work but are afraid of possible pain or experience anxiety hearing a dental drill, sedation dentistry may be best for you. The best thing about it is you sleep through the procedure. You wake up with a beautiful smile and no memory of the procedure itself. If you are fearful of dental procedures, look for cosmetic dentists in Edmonton who practice sedation dentistry.

To learn more about a cosmetic dentist In Edmonton, visit the College Plaza Dental website.

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