Get Answers Through Daniel 12 Commentary

by | Dec 26, 2013 | Religion

Some people think the Bible is just a book, without any type of evidence to support anything that’s being said. Other people believe the Bible to be the word of God and so they want to study it and learn all they can. Reading and understanding the Bible can be a difficult task if you aren’t use to how they speak and how the writers explain how they saw the world at that point in time. The best way to understand anything better is to do your own research and expand your knowledge.

There is some excellent Daniel 12 commentary online, that explains what is happening in this point of the Bible. They explain what is going on in Jerusalem and how the Romans are destroying everything. The desolation is caused by abominations, which are hard to make sense of on your own. There is a website called Revelation Revolution that talks about the abominations and why they occurred. You can read some of the hard questions and you can challenge yourself to find answers. Once you make sense of what is going on, then you can help others to understand as well.

Daniel 12 also talks about Michael the ark angel standing over the people and watching out for them. Each sentence in Daniel 12 can be picked apart, so you can make sense of each piece of commentary. It talks about how Michael is the opposite of Satan and how the persecutions of the Jewish people are so vast that they had never seen such a time of trouble. Understanding the Bible is a great way to understand Christianity itself. If you read the Bible and study the commentary, then you will know what you’re reading and even apply some things to your own life.

It can be hard to be part of a religion you don’t really comprehend. An important point to realize is everyone is in a constant state of learning and how you comprehend things better is to study. If you don’t see what’s available online and what other people have said, then you will never grow in your own knowledge. Posting comments on Daniel 12 and reading responses is a great way to take another step at understanding the Bible better.

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