Give Your Fruitcake A Gourmet Treatment

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Food & Related Products

Grandma’s fruitcake just doesn’t cut it when it comes to individuals with luxury tastes. Fruitcakes are common household items during the holidays, but an exceptional gourmet fruitcake is not seen every day. This article will list some of the finest fruitcakes that you’ve probably never tried.

Fruitcake Souffles

Let’s start this article off with a five-star gourmet fruitcake, the fruitcake souffle. This recipe uses a typical fruitcake and crumbles it into small pieces. The crumbles are mixed with milk, eggs, and sugar to enable an entirely new experience. It is then baked into a fancy souffle with the fruitcake as the base.

Fruitcake Trifle

This recipe takes slices from a homemade or store-bought fruitcake and turns it into a trifle. The slices are mixed with a lot of eggs, milk, sugar, gelatin, cream, and vanilla. The final product is a rich, moist dessert that you probably never had for the holidays before.

Coffee And Nutmeg Fruitcake

This gourmet fruitcake is a little simpler than the cakes mentioned above. A typical fruitcake base is made, but with a cup of coffee in place of some of the water used in a typical recipe. Ground nutmeg is also added to the batter along with currents, raisins, cinnamon, and molasses. This makes for a pitch black cake with a dab of spiciness.

Try some of the above cakes for your next holiday season. If you do not have the ability to bake, you may always purchase a fine fruitcake from your favorite bakery. There are even bakeries that allow you to order cakes online these days.

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