Going Through Divorce Is Easier With a Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY

by | Mar 4, 2015 | Law

Divorce not only involves ending a marriage, but it can also bring on many other issues that can be difficult to go through. This is especially true if there are minor children involved. Unfortunately, over half of all marriages end in divorce. If you are facing the end of your marriage, it can be helpful to hire a Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY. A lawyer can help you to understand your rights and will do everything possible to protect them.

When it is time to file for divorce, it is important to first meet with a Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY. There are some initial decisions that will need to be made in the filing process. One of the first decisions is deciding on grounds. The grounds for a divorce are the reasons. Reasons can range from fault to no-fault. No-fault reasons never have to be proven in court, while fault reasons do. It is important to take this into consideration before making a final decision on the grounds filed. A lawyer can assist you in making tough decisions such as these so the process is less stressful.

Once you have supplied your lawyer with information and your petition has been filed, the lawyer takes over working through every detail of your case. If your spouse does not contest the divorce, it will proceed much easier than one that is contested. Today’s family court allows one judge to be in charge of every issue surrounding a divorce. He or she will be in charge of ending the marriage, deciding on custody, making a ruling on support and splitting any assets or debts. This makes the process much more streamlined and less likely to experience errors.

If you are facing the end of your marriage, there is no reason for you to fight alone. A lawyer can help you through the tough decisions that are required when going through a divorce. Contact The Law Offices of Elan Wurtzel and allow them to assist you through your case. This will give you the guidance and peace of mind you need so you can end your marriage as peacefully as possible. You can also visit them on Faceboook.

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