Sometimes when a married couple starts the divorce process, they each strongly want to keep one particular valuable asset. If they cannot come to an agreement about who should keep this asset, collaborative negotiation meetings or mediation may be necessary. If this does not solve the problem, going to court and having a judge decide is the next step. Each person needs a Greenwich family lawyer for representation throughout the process.
Two Examples
The possession could have a strong sentimental meaning for both spouses, or it might be something they can’t imagine replacing with anything as special. This could be a vacation home on a lake, for example. The two might own a sailboat or yacht they both feel very attached to. A Greenwich family lawyer understands how complicated these situations can be, even when the breakup is fairly amicable.
Collaborative Sessions and Mediation
During collaborative sessions and mediation, an impartial moderator facilitates discussions between the spouses. Mediation is intended more for spouses who have trouble avoiding arguing and spend the sessions in separate rooms. The mediator goes from one room to the other.
The Goal
Each spouse’s lawyer typically attends the sessions as well, either in person or by speakerphone. The idea is to negotiate an agreement on the difficult issue without having a judge decide in court. Doing that takes all control away from the spouses.
In Connecticut, divorce is legally known as dissolution of marriage. Anyone who needs legal representation in this matter may learn about The Family Law Firm Healy & Eliot PLLC.