Gutter Cleaning Seattle is money well spent

by | May 14, 2013 | Home Improvement

Gutter cleaning is such a chore and is usually one of those tasks that is forgotten about. But just like going to the dentist you need to maintain your gutters and clean them out at least twice a year. Your home is one of the most expensive investments you’ll ever make, ignoring bi annual gutter maintenance could be a costly mistake. Hiring a gutter cleaning service such as Gutter Cleaning Seattle may save you money in the long run.

As leaves fall in the autumn, your gutters are getting full of dried debris that can weigh down your gutters and pull them off the side of your home. That space between the gutters and you home traps moisture and causes the wood to rot. Once you’ve let that moisture in your home is in danger of serious damage and water seeping in. There is more to cleaning gutters that just worrying about the gutters along the side of the house; downspouts can get clogged up too. If you forget about the downspouts you’ve only taken care of a portion of the problem. A clogged downspout can overflow and splash water onto your house and windows.

Not only do you have to worry about the damage to your home from the water, but debris is a nice home for pests. If you live in a humid climate, it’s the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Water and rotting wood is also a great start for a termite infestation. During drier weather the debris becomes a fire hazard. The dried up material is kindling for embers that maybe blown by from a nearby fire.

While you can maintain your gutters Seattle on your own. It is much easier and safer to hire a reputable company such as Gutter Cleaning Seattle. You risk personal injury every time you get on your roof or climb up a ladder. A gutter cleaning service is much cheaper than a costly medical bill. Why take up several hours on your weekend when you can have the peace of mind that your gutters are maintained and your home is taken care of?

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