Hattiesburg Dentists For Implant Dentistry: Get Your Sparkle Back!

by | Mar 21, 2013 | Dentistry

Only sea faring pirates look cool with missing teeth and even then only if they look like Jonny Depp. Otherwise, missing teeth can be the bane of any beautiful smile. So what should you do if you have teeth missing? Well the best answer is to find a Hattiesburg dentist for dental implants.
Dental implants not only give you a reason to smile again but also restore your ability to comfortably bite into things and also prevent major dental issues which can get aggravated if food particles start festering in the cavities of missing teeth. Here are the major reasons to look up implant dentistry in Hattiesburg.

1. Get Your Bite Back
Whether you get a single tooth implant or multiple dental implants, your implants will restore your ability to properly bite and chew your food. Dental implants are designed to be as good and tough as your natural teeth.

2. No More Bone Loss Or Gum Recession
An empty cavity left by a lost tooth is ideal ground for bone loss and gum recession, since there is no structure to prevent this from happening. In this situation you’ll want to find Hattiesburg dentists for implant dentistry as soon as possible. Dental implants will be the only answer, since they will secure the root to the jawbone and gum tissue.

3. Lining Up The Pearly Whites
One very important issue most people don’t consider when they lose their teeth is how that loss and the empty space it leaves behind will affect the alignment of the rest of their remaining teeth.  The most common occurrence in this situation is that the remaining teeth around the empty space gradually become misaligned. Implant dentistry in this situation will not only help the jaw retain its bone density and gum tissue, it will also maintain the proper alignment of the remaining teeth.

4. Sparkle On
And last but not the least, the biggest benefit of dental implants is that you’ll get a gorgeous smile back. If you find the right Hattiesburg dentists for implant dentistry, they’ll tell you how this is possible; its because unlike dentures and dental bridges, dental implants are literally invisible, since they look and feel exactly like your natural teeth. In fact they even perform like natural teeth, so no one will be any wiser that any of the pearly whites sparkling in your smile are not your own.

No matter the reasons you may be considering getting dental implants, get them done from the best Hattiesburg dentists for implant dentistry, Smile Time Family Dentistry.

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