Have You Been Injured by a Truck on the Road?

by | Sep 24, 2018 | Top Content Center Articles

Trucks on the road are a necessity as they ship important products all around from one end of the country to the other. Without them you wouldn’t have access to some of your favorite foods or that new toy you have had your eye on. The downside to them is that sadly they represent a real danger to other drivers on the highway.

The Scary Facts

When a study was done in 2012 it was found that roughly 333,000 large trucks were involved in traffic accidents. It was also sadly discovered that around 4,000 people died and 104,000 incurred some sort of injury as a result. These accidents are often the result of a lack of training for the trucker which resulted in driver negligence, a company not using proper practices with their employees, and faulty equipment that isn’t maintained.

If You Have Been in a Truck Accident You Have Rights

The laws of California state that a person that is a victim of a truck accident is entitled to the following:

  • Compensation for the losses they may suffer
  • Reparations due to property damage
  • The payment of past and future medical bills
  • Any lost wages as a result of the accident
  • An amount for any pain and suffering the accident may have caused

Get Someone on Your Side

When you have been in a trucking accident it can be an intimidating process to go through alone. You will have to deal with not just the trucker, but also the company they work for and its insurance company. There is a chance that none of them will want to pay you so it will result in you taking them to court. If this is the case contact a truck accident attorney in Los Angeles like The Law Offices of Jual F. Reyes. He has the experience to get you what is owed.

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