Heating Repair in Seattle: Signs You Should Replace Your Furnace

by | Oct 17, 2014 | Air Conditioning

If you try to adjust the temperature on your furnace, but find it’s not working, check the power source. If the power cable is connected properly and the wall socket is switched on, the furnace is faulty and should be repaired. For best results, get your furnace repaired by professionals who provide Heating Repair in Seattle before the problem worsens.

It is recommended that homeowners inspect furnaces before the cold season begins to avoid last minute rushes. It is recommended that you carry out maintenance of the furnace even when it is working properly or not in use. This enables you to detect small problems early before they become to serious problems. However, you should be in a position to tell whether your furnace needs to be repaired or replaced. Below are some of the most common signs you may need to replace your furnace:

It is old

The older your furnace is, the more problematic it becomes and the closer it gets to a complete breakdown. Most furnaces last an average of 16-20 years. If your furnace is close to the guaranteed number of years or it is has surpassed that period, start shopping for a new one. This is because it is very difficult to find spare parts of old furnaces that may already be out of the market. It is wise that you buy a new furnace during the hot seasons because their prices are much lower than during cold seasons.

High energy bills and frequent repairs

If for the last one or two years you have been getting unusually high energy bills, and your furnace has been repaired many times, it’s time to replace it. If you do a thorough inspection, you will note that the faulty furnace is the reason behind your high energy bills. When an appliance gets faulty, it often needs more energy to run in order to produce the desired results. In such a situation, getting a new furnace would be the most considerable thing to do.

You should seek the help of a professional service provider if you need Heating Repair in Seattle or want to replace your furnace to avoid aggravating your problem.

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